
Showing posts from February, 2023

What's on the Menu?!: Fricassed Eels

1912 Luncheon Menu: Macaroni (Virginia Style), Southern pone, Marshmallow Gingerbread

What's on the Menu?!: Braised Tongue a la Jardiniere

1912 Dinner Menu: Tomato Soup, Potatoes, Fried Swordfish, Cucumbers, Blueberry Charlotte

What's on the Menu?!: Tripe with Mushrooms

1915 Dinner Menu: Hungarian Goulash, Escalloped Corn, Riced Potatoes, Pimento Salad, Lemon Foam

What's on the Menu?!: Giblet Pie with Oysters

1922 Dinner Menu: Arabian Stew, Brussel Sprouts, Sweet Potatoes, Lettuce Salad, Porcupine Pears, Cup Cakes