
Showing posts from January, 2023

What's on the Menu?!: Sardines Au Parmesan

1911 Midday Luncheon Menu: Bread Omelet with Molasses Sauce, Graham Wafers, Tea-Hygiene

What's on the Menu?!: Pickled Chicken

1913 Supper or Lunch Menu: Turkish Pilaf, Salmon Loaf, Salad, Canned Quinces, Cake

What's on the Menu?!: Pigs' Feet Cheese

1913 Dinner Menu: Baked Ham with Hot Horseradish Sauce, Cream of Lettuce, Sweet Potato Croquettes, Grape Fruit Salad, Rhubarb Tart

What's on the Menu?!: Tongue Toast

1922 Tuesday Dinner Menu: Stuffed Roast, Cabbage with Cream Dressing, Spaghetti, Creamed Irish Potatoes, Banana Short Cake with Caramel Sauce

What's on the Menu?!: Giblet Soup