Full Dinner Menu: Cheese Soup, Citron Buns, Mixed Vegetable Souffle, Marmalade Cake

Atlanta Woman's Club Cook Book (1921)

Have an Old-Fashioned Dinner Night: Eat Like 1914

Recipes from “A 'Calendar of Dinners' with 615 Recipes” (1914)
by Marion Harris Neil

Cheese Soup

4 tbs grated cheese
3 quarts stock
1 ½ cupfuls flour
4 tbs Crisco
2 cups cream
2 eggs
Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste

Put flour in double boiler. Gradually add cream, Crisco, 4 tbs of grated cheese and paprika to taste. Stir over fire till smooth paste. Break in eggs, mix well, cook two minutes longer, and allow to cool. Roll into balls, then drop into boiling water and cook gently five minutes. Drain and put in soup tureen. Pour over boiling stock and serve with finely grated cheese.

Citron Buns

Makes 22 buns
1 yeast cake
6 tbs sugar
¾ cup Crisco
½ cup raisins
¼ cup chopped citron peel
1 tsp lemon extract
1 cup scalded milk
1 egg
5 ½ cups flour
¼ cup lukewarm water
1 tsp salt

Scald milk, add half of the sugar and salt. When lukewarm, add yeast (dissolved in water) and 1 ½ cups flour. Mix, cover, and let rise till light, then add Crisco, rest of sugar and flour, raisins, peel, and extract. Knead lightly, cover, and let rise. Divide into small pieces, let rise on greased tins, brush over with beaten egg and bake in hot oven twenty minutes.

Mixed Vegetable Souffle

1 tbs Crisco
¼ lb cooked carrots
½ lb boiled potatoes
¾ lb boiled turnips
½ lb stewed onions
1 tbs chopped parsley
Salt and pepper to taste
3 eggs

Chop onions, add vegetables mashed, then mix well. Add Crisco, seasonings, and yolks of eggs. Beat whites of eggs to stiff froth and fold them into mixture, then turn it into Criscoed fireproof dish and bake thirty minutes in moderate oven.

Marmalade Cake

(Sufficient for 8 Pieces)
½ cup sugar
½ cup Crisco
1 cup marmalade
1 ½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 egg
2 cups flour
½ tsp powdered ginger

Sift, salt, flour, and baking powder into bowl. Rub in Crisco with finger tips. Add ginger and egg (beaten). Knead lightly to a smooth paste and divide into two pieces. Roll out one piece and line a Criscoed dinner plate with it. Spread marmalade over the piece and cover with the remaining second piece of paste, pinch neatly around the edges and bake in a moderate oven ½ an hour. Cut like pie and serve hot or cold.


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