What's For Dinner?! Stewed Prunes

What's For Dinner?! Crazy Antique Recipes

War Time Recipes (1918)

Stewed Prunes

1 lb prunes
½ pint cold water
½ pint claret
½ stick cinnamon
4 ounces granulated sugar
2 bay leaves
rind of 1 small lemon

Place the prunes in a vessel with 2 quarts of cold water to soak for 12 hours. Thoroughly drain and place them in a saucepan with water, claret, cinnamon, sugar, and bay leaves. Cover the pan and let boil very gently on the range for 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the fire, pour into a glass or stone jar and let cool. When serving discard bay leaves, cinnamon, an lemon peel. As stewed prunes should always be served cold, a larger quantity can be prepared and kept in a covered glass or stone jar, for they will keep in good condition for several days.


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