Dinner Menu: Mrs. B.'s Corn Soup, Smothered Chicken, Stuffed Tomatoes, Beets, and Cottage Pudding
Atlanta Woman's Club Cook Book (1921)
Have an Old-Fashioned Dinner Night From 1878
The Dinner Year-book (1878)
Marion Harland
Mrs. B.’s Corn Soup.
Smothered Chicken.
Scalloped Potatoes.
Cottage Pudding.
Mrs. B.’s Corn Soup.
15 ears of corn
Bullion or bones for broth
1 onion
1 cup milk
1 spoonfuls of butter
15 ears of corn, grated from the cob as
close as the grater will take off the grains; the bones and other
“trimmings” of yesterday’s roast beef, both raw and cooked; 1
onion; 1 cup of milk; 2 great spoonfuls of butter, rolled in flour;
pepper and salt; 3 quarts of water.
Put the empty cobs, the bones, etc.,
with the onion, on in the water, and stew two hours. Strain off the
water, and put the grated corn into it with pepper and salt. Stew
gently one hour; add the floured butter; simmer ten minutes, and
pour into the tureen. Add the milk, boiling hot; stir up and serve.
Smothered Chicken.
2 young chickens
Salt and pepper
Split a pair of young, but well-grown
chickens down the back, as for broiling. Lay flat in a dripping-pan;
pour a cup of boiling water over them, and invert another pan over
them so as to cover closely. Roast half an hour, and baste very
freely with butter and water. Ten minutes later baste with gravy from
the pan. In five more, with melted butter, profusely. Bake until the
fowls are tender and well colored. Dish, salt and pepper them;
thicken and season the gravy; pour some over the chickens and send up
the rest in a boat.
Stuffed Tomatoes.
Cold beef
Beef gravy
Sugar, pepper, and salt
Choose large, smooth tomatoes; cut a
piece from the top of each; take out the inside, taking care not to
cut the skin. Chop up the tomato-pulp with a little cold beef; add
one-fourth as much bread-crumbs as you have pulp, and wet all with
beef-gravy, seasoning with a little sugar, pepper, and salt. Fill the
tomatoes with this force-meat; put on the top slices; pack the
stuffing that remains between the tomatoes, and pour gravy upon this;
cover and bake from forty to forty-five minutes.
Scalloped Potatoes.
2 cups mashed potatoes
3 tablespoons of cream
2 tablespoons of butter
4 egg yolks from hard-boiled eggs
1 raw egg beaten
Handful of breadcrumbs
Pepper and salt
Beat up the hot potatoes light with
butter, cream, raw egg and seasoning. Put a layer in the bottom of a
bake-dish; cover with thin slices of yolk; salt and pepper; put on
more potato, and go on thus until the dish is full. Cover the top
layer of potato with crumbs, and bake, covered, half an hour, then
brown quickly. Serve in the bake-dish.
Pepper and salt
Cut off the tops, taking care not to
scratch the skins. Boil at least one hour in hot salted water; scrape
and slice. Put into a deep dish and season with a few spoonfuls
of hot water mixed with as much vinegar and a little pepper and salt.
Cottage Pudding.
1 cup of milk
1 tablespoonful of
butter rubbed in a cup of sugar
2 eggs
3 cups of prepared flour
little salt.
Beat the yolks into the butter and
sugar; add the milk, then the flour, alternately with the whisked
whites. Bake in a cake-mould; turn out hot upon a plate, cut in
slices, and eat with sweet sauce.
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