Dinner Menu: Vegetable Soup, Fried Chicken, Browned Sweet Potato, Stuffed Tomatoes, Kole Slaw, Fig Stuffed Apple

Have an Old-Fashioned Dinner Night

Fifty Two Sunday Dinners
Elizabeth O. Hiller (1913)

October Menu

Vegetable Soup
Fried Chicken with Béchamel Sauce
Browned Sweet Potatoes Stuffed Tomatoes
Kole Slaw
Baked Apples Stuffed with Figs

½ cup carrot.
½ cup turnip.
½ cup celery.
2 cups potato.
1/3 cup onion.
1½ quarts beef broth.
1/3 cup butter.
½ tablespoon finely chopped parsley.
1½ teaspoons salt.
1/8 teaspoon pepper.
Process: Wash and scrape carrot, cut in tiny cubes; wash and pare turnip, cut same as carrot; wash, scrape and cut celery in thin slices; wash, pare and cut potatoes in one-fourth inch cubes; peel and cut onion in thin slices, mix vegetables, except potatoes, and cook ten minutes in butter, stirring constantly. Add potatoes, cover and cook three or four minutes, add beef broth which was previously strained and all fat removed. Cover and simmer one hour. Put parsley, salt and pepper in bottom of soup tureen and turn in hot soup.

2 young chickens
Salt and Pepper
Separate two young chickens in pieces for serving; dip in milk, sprinkle with salt, pepper and dredge with flour, or dip in crumbs, egg and crumbs and fry in deep hot Cottolene. Cottolene should not be too hot the latter half of cooking chicken. Drain on brown paper; serve on hot buttered toast with Béchamel Sauce. Double the recipe for Béchamel Sauce.

Sweet potatoes
Melted butter
Salt and Pepper
Brown sugar
Boil sweet potatoes, remove skins and cut lengthwise in one-half inch slices. Cool. Dip each slice in melted butter, sprinkle with salt, pepper and thickly with brown sugar. Lay in a well-greased dripping pan and brown in a hot oven. Dispose around rim of platter containing Fried Chicken.

6 Tomatoes
Cooked corn
Cooked rice or bread crumbs
Salt and Pepper
Melted butter
Onion juice
Select six firm, smooth tomatoes. Cut a thin slice from the blossom end. Carefully scoop out the pulp and mix it with an equal quantity of cooked corn, rice or bread crumbs. Season with salt, pepper, a few grains cayenne, three tablespoons melted butter and a few drops of onion juice. Refill tomato cups, replace the tops, place them in a buttered baking dish and bake thirty minutes.

1/2 Head cabbage
1 Quart water
1 Tablespoon vinegar
Cream dressing
Shred half a head of cabbage very fine. Soak in cold, acidulated water to cover (add one tablespoon vinegar to one quart water). Drain and mix thoroughly with Cream Dressing. Chill and serve in lemon cups arranged in nests of cress or parsley.

Washed figs cut into pieces
Thick cream
Select fine-flavored, tart apples, wipe, core and pare. Fill cavities with washed figs cut in pieces. Bake until tender in a hot oven, basting with hot sugar syrup. Serve cold with thick cream sweetened, and flavored with nutmeg.

1 cup sugar
1 and 1/2 cups water
Orange rind
Cook one cup sugar and one and one-half cups water ten minutes. Add two thin shavings of orange rind to syrup while cooking.

4 tablespoons butter.
4 tablespoons flour.
1½ cups highly seasoned chicken stock.
½ cup hot thin cream.
Yolk 2 eggs.
Salt, pepper, few grains nutmeg.
Process: Melt butter in a saucepan, add flour, stir to a smooth paste; add stock slowly, stirring constantly; add cream and continue stirring. Bring to boiling point, remove from range and add egg yolk slightly beaten. Add seasonings. Beat until smooth and glossy. Keep hot over hot water. Do not allow sauce to boil after adding yolk of egg.

3 hard cooked egg yolks.
1 teaspoon salt.
Few grains cayenne.
1 teaspoon mustard.
2 tablespoons vinegar.
Few drops onion juice or
1 teaspoon finely chopped chives.
1½ cups thick cream.
Process: Mash and rub the egg yolks through a sieve, add seasonings (except cayenne), then vinegar and chives. Whip cream until stiff, and add a little at a time to first mixture, beating constantly. When all is used, sprinkle in a few grains cayenne or paprika.

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