What's for Dinner?! Anchovy Catsup

365 Foreign Dishes (1908)

Crazy Antique Recipes

Anchovy Catsup

Directions for Cookery, In Its Various Branches. Tenth Edition. (1840)
by Miss Leslie .
2 dozen anchovies
10 shallots or very small onions
1/4 ounce mace
1 lemon
12 cloves
12 pepper-corns
1 pint (2 cups) red wine
1 quart (4 cups) white wine
1 pint (2 cups) water
1/2 pint(1 cup) anchovy liquor

Bone two dozen anchovies, and then chop them. Put to them ten shallots, or very small onions, cut fine, and a handful of scraped horseradish, with a quarter of an ounce of mace. Add a lemon, cut into slices, twelve cloves, and twelve pepper-corns. Then mix together a pint of red wine, a quart of white wine, a pint of water and half a pint of anchovy liquor. Put the other ingredients into the liquid, and boil it slowly till reduced to a quart. Then strain it, and when cold put it into small bottles, securing the corks with leather.



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