1900 Luncheon Menu: Cold Veal Loaf, Creamed Potatoes, Strawberries with Orange Juice

Woman's World Cookbook (1922) 


Proteus Club Cook Book (1900)
Members of the Proteus Club Des Moines, Iowa

Cold Veal Loaf, Sliced.

Creamed Potatoes.

Sliced Cucumbers.

Hot Biscuit.

Iced Tea.

Strawberries, with Orange Juice.

Cold Veal Loaf, Sliced.

3 lbs veal

2 thick slices pork

2 eggs

2 Boston crackers

3 tsp salt

3 tsp pepper


Three pounds veal, two thick slices pork, two eggs, two Boston crackers, rolled, three teaspoons each of salt and pepper. Grind meat fine, mix all ingredients together and make into loaf; dredge with flour. Bake from two and a half to three hours. Baste often.

Creamed Potatoes.

1 quart boiled cubed potatoes

1½ cup cream

A piece of butter size of an egg

The potatoes should be boiled whole with the skins on, better if boiled the day before needed. Peel them and cut into small cubes. Heat a cup and a half of cream and a piece of butter the size of an egg; into this pour about a quart of potatoes, and allow them to cook slowly for about twenty minutes, or until it thickens. Stir once or twice carefully to prevent burning. Serve while hot.

Hot Biscuit

1 quart of flour

2 heaping tsp baking powder

1 level spoonful salt

2 tbs butter

1 pint milk or water

Sift together one quart of flour, two heaping teaspoons of baking powder and a level spoonful of salt. Add two tablespoons of butter. Mix thoroughly, then add one pint of milk or water, stirred in with a fork. Roll lightly and bake in a rather quick oven. The dough should be as soft as it is possible to handle.

Strawberries and Orange Juice.

1 quart strawberries

Pulverized sugar

Orange juice of 3 oranges

Cracked ice

Place in a dish alternate layers of strawberries and pulverized sugar. Pour over them orange juice in proportion of three oranges to a quart of straw berries. Let stand for an hour. Before serving sprinkle with cracked ice. 

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