1922 Dinner Menu: Honey Salad Dressing, Sweet Potato Soup, Sweet Baked Tomatoes, Baked Apples Stuffed with Sausages, Cake


1922 Old-Fashioned Dinner Menu
Good Housekeeping's Book of Menus

Salad with Honey Salad Dressing
Sweet Potato Soup
Sweet Baked Tomatoes
Mashed Potatoes with Peanut-Butter
Baked Apples Stuffed with Sausages
Eggless, Milkless, Butterless Cake

Salad with Honey Salad Dressing
3 tbs salad oil
2 tbs honey
1 tbs lemon-juice
1/8 tsp salt
Beat together the salad oil, honey, lemon-juice and salt until well blended. Use at once.
Did we eat it: Yes
Would I make it again: Yes

Sweet Potato Soup
2 cups baked sweet potatoes
2 tbs melted butter or bacon drippings
1 ½ tsp salt
1 quart scalded milk
2 tbs flour
½ cup cooked rice
bake potatoes and mash through ricer, measure two cupfuls, then put through ricer again with rice, stir hot milk slowly into mixture, return to double-boiler. Brown flour, add fat having smooth texture before adding to the hot milk mixture; do this gradually; season with salt and a dash of cinnamon.
Did we eat it: Most of it
Would I make it again: Probably not.

Sweet Baked Tomatoes
2 lbs tomatoes
1/3 cup sugar
½ cup rolled oats
1 tbs oil or margarin
1 tsp salt
Scald and peel the tomatoes. Stew them until they are soft. To the cooked tomatoes add the sugar, margarin, salt, and rolled oats. Turn into a greased baking-dish and bake for about one-half hour at 400 F.
Did we eat it: Some of it.
Would I make it again: No.

Mashed Potatoes with Peanut-Butter
6 medium-sized potatoes
2 tbs butter
About ½ cup hot milk
1 ½ tbs peanut-butter
1 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
Boil, mash, and beat to a cream the potatoes, adding salt and pepper, on tablespoonful butter, and milk. Heap in a hot buttered baking-dish. Blend the peanut-butter and remainder of butter, dot over potatoes, and brown in a 500 F. oven.
Did we eat it: Yes
Would I make it again: Probably not.

Baked Apples Stuffed with Sausages
6 good-sized apples
1 cup cooked sausage meat
Scoop out the centers of the apples, leaving a thick shell, and cut all the pulp possible from the core. Chop this and mix with the sausage meat. Refill the apples with this mixture, heaping the filling, and bake in a 400 F. oven until the apples are tender. Serve with baked or fried potatoes for luncheon or supper, or as a garnish to roast chicken or pork.
Did we eat it: Yes
Would I make it again: Yes
Notes: If I made it again, I wouldn't bother stuffing the apples.

Eggless, Milkless, Butterless Cake
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups hot water
2 tbs shortening
1 tsp salt
1 package seedless raisins
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cloves
3 cups bread flour
1 tsp soda
Boil together the sugar, water, lard, salt, raisins and spices for five minutes. When cold, add the flour and the soda dissolved in a teaspoonful of hot water. This makes two loaves. Bake about forty-five minutes in a 325 F. oven. This cake is of good texture and will keep moist for some time.
Did we eat it: Yes
Would I make it again: Yes

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