1922 Luncheon Menu: Pea Roast, Carrot Sauce, Uxbridge Buns, Frozen Custard

Woman's World Cookbook (1922)

1922 Luncheon Menu

Good Housekeeping's Book of Menus, Recipes, and Household Discoveries (1922)

Pea Roast, Carrot Sauce

Uxbridge Buns, Butter

Frozen Custard

Pea Roast with Carrot Sauce

¾ cupful soft bread-crumbs

1 cupful pea pulp

1 tbs sugar

1 egg

6 tbs butter or margarine

1 tbs chopped walnut-meats

2 tbs flour

1½ tsp salt

¼ tsp pepper

1 bunch new carrots

2¼ cupfuls milk

Drain canned peas and force them through a puree sieve enough to make one cupful. Mix together the bread-crumbs, pea pulp, sugar, egg, four tablespoonfuls butter or margarine melted, walnut-meats, half the seasonings, and three-fourths cupful of milk. Turn into a well-greased baking-dish, let stand fifteen minutes, cover, and bake forty minutes at 350 F. Serve with carrot sauce made as follows: Melt the rest of the butter in a saucepan, add the flour and the rest of the salt and pepper; cook until bubbling and add gradually the one and one-half cupfuls of milk. When well blended, stir in the carrots cooked until tender and then forced through a puree sieve. About one cupful of the carrot puree is about right. This recipe is intended to serve four persons. East Orange, N. J.

Uxbridge Buns

5-6 cupfuls bread flour

1 cupful sugar

½ tsp grated nutmeg

3 tbs butter or margarine

2 cupfuls scalded milk

½ yeast-cake

¼ cupful lukewarm water

1 tbs cream

1 tbs sugar

To four cupfuls of bread flour, add the one cupful of sugar, the grated nutmeg, and two tablespoonfuls of the butter or margarine. Pour over the whole the scalded milk. When lukewarm, add the yeast-cake softened in the lukewarm water. Let raise overnight and in the morning add sufficient bread flour to mold about two cupfuls. Again let raise until double in bulk, then mold into biscuits. Brush with melted butter or margarine and when double in bulk, bake at 400 F. for twenty minutes. When the biscuits are removed from the oven, brush the tops with the cream in which the one tablespoonful of sugar has been dissolved. Concord, Mass.

Frozen Custard

1 quart milk

½ cupful sugar

2 tbs cornstarch

¼ tsp salt

1 egg

2 tsp vanilla

Scald the milk in a double-boiler. Mix together one-fourth cupful of sugar, the cornstarch and the salt. Pour the scalded milk on this mixture and return it to the double boiler. Cook fifteen minutes. Beat the egg well with the rest of the sugar. Add it gradually to the hot milk mixture and cook for three minutes longer. Remove from the fire, let cool thoroughly, add vanilla and freeze. Good Housekeeping.


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