What's on the Menu?!: Cod's Tongues with Egg Sauce


 Smiley's Cookbook (1895)


Miss Corson's Practical American Cookery and Household Management (1885)
Miss Juliet Corson

2 lbs salt cod’s tongue

1 cupful milk

1 small red-pepper pod or cayenne seasoning

3 hard-boiled eggs

1 heaping tbs butter

1 heaping tbs flour

Wash two pounds of salt cod's tongue in cold water, pour lukewarm water over them, and let them remain where the water will retain its heat for two hours or longer; after the tongues have been soaked, put them over the fire in enough cold water to cover them; add a cupful of milk and a small red-pepper pod or a palatable seasoning of cayenne, and cook them slowly for about half an hour, or until they are tender; meantime boil three eggs hard, remove the shells and chop the eggs. Just before the tongues are done, put in a saucepan over the fire a heaping tablespoonful each of butter and flour, and stir them together until they begin to bubble; then gradually stir in enough of the milk and water in which the tongues were boiled to make the sauce sufficiently salt, and more milk to bring it to the consistency of thick cream; put the tongues into the sauce, add the chopped eggs, and then serve them hot. Tongues and are good either fried, broiled, or baked; care being taken to freshen them first.

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