What's on the Menu?!: Pickled Chicken
Smiley's Cookbook (1895)
Miss Juliet Corson
2 level tbs salt
2 blades mace
1 tsp whole cloves
1 tsp peppercorns
and singe a chicken, wipe it with a wet towel, draw it without breaking the intestines, cut it in joints, and boil it until quite tender in just enough water to cover it, with a level tablespoonful of salt, two blades of mace, and a tea- spoonful each of whole cloves and peppercorns. When the chicken is tender, remove all the bones, and put the meat loosely in a jar. To enough of the broth to half fill the jar, add an equal quantity of vinegar and all the spice; let this pickle get scalding hot, and then pour it over the chicken. When the pickle is cold, cover the jar. The chicken will be fit to use after six hours.
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