1913 Spring Dinner Menu: Chicken Soup, Baked Mackerel, Lyman Potatoes, Piquante Beets, Pineapple Cream
Woman's World Cookbook (1922)
1913 Spring Dinner Menu
Chicken Soup
Baked Mackerel
Lyman Potatoes
Piquante Beets
Pineapple Cream
Chicken Soup
The California Bride's Cook Book Publishing Co.
2 chickens
Large piece of butter
1 pint chicken water
2 large spoonfuls curry powder
2 large spoonfuls butter
1 large spoonful flour
1 tsp salt
A little cayenne
Cooked rice to serve
Time, four hours. Boil two chickens with great care, skimming constantly, and keeping them covered with water. When tender, take out the chickens and remove every bone from the meat; put a large piece of butter into a frying-pan and sprinkle the chicken meat well with flour, lay in the hot pan; fry a nice brown and keep it hot and dry. Take a pint of the chicken water and stir in two large spoonfuls of curry powder, two of butter and one of flour, one teaspoonful of salt and a little cayenne; mix it with the broth in the pot; when well mixed, simmer five minutes, then add the browned chicken. Serve with rice.
Baked Mackerel
Medium-sized mackerel
Salt and pepper
2 tbs butter
2/3 cup milk
Parsley or cress for garnish
Split, clean, and remove head and tail from a medium-sized mackerel. Put in a buttered dripping-pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper; dot over with two tablespoons butter, and pour over two-thirds cup milk. Bake twenty-five minutes in a hot oven, basting five times during the baking with liquor in pan. Remove to hot platter and garnish with parsley or cress.
Lyman Potatoes
2 cups cubed potatoes
3 tbs melted butter
Wash and pare potatoes; then cut in one-half-inch cubes; there should be two cups. Soak fifteen minutes in cold water to cover, drain, and cook in boiling salted water until soft. Again drain, sprinkle with salt, pour over three tablespoons melted butter, and sprinkle generously with paprika.
Piquante Beets
2½ tbs butter
2 tbs flour
½ cup cooking water
¼ cup milk
¼ cup vinegar
1 tsp sugar
½ tsp salt
A few grains pepper
Wash beets and cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain (reserving the water), plunge into cold water, rub off skins; then cut beets in small cubes. Reheat in the following sauce: Melt two and one-half tablespoons butter, add two tablespoons flour, and pour in gradually, while stirring constantly, one-half cup water in which beets were cooked. Bring to the boiling-point and add one-fourth cup milk, one-fourth cup vinegar, one teaspoon sugar, one-half teaspoon salt, and a few grains pepper.
Pineapple Cream
Yolks of 3 eggs
Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
½ cup sugar
A few grains salt
2/3 cup grated pineapple
1½ tbs granulated gelatine
1/3 cup cold water
½ cup heavy cream
Whites of 3 eggs
Candied cherries and angelica for garnish
Beat the yolks of three eggs slightly, and add the grated rind and juice of one lemon, one-half cup sugar and a few grains salt. Cook, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Remove from fire and add two-thirds cup grated pineapple and one and one-half tablespoons granulated gelatine soaked in one-third cup cold water. When mixture begins to thicken add one-half cup heavy cream beaten until stiff, and the whites of three eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into a mold and chill thoroughly. Remove from mold to fancy dish and garnish with candied cherries and angelica.
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