1915 Dinner Menu: Brown Stew with Dumplings, Hashed Turnips, Brown Betty

Woman's World Cookbook (1922) 

1915 Dinner Menu

Low Cost Cooking (1915)
Florence Nesbitt, B.A.

Brown Stew with Dumplings

Hashed Turnips

Brown Betty



Brown Stew with Dumplings

1½ pounds stew beef

3 sprigs of parsley

1 onion

Sear the beef in a hot, dry kettle until the pieces are all well browned on the outside, cover with cold water and cook slowly until tender. Do not allow it to boil. Add onion and parsley after first hour.


2 cups flour

4 teaspoons baking powder

2/3 cup liquid

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon fat

Mix the dough for dumplings and drop by tablespoonfuls over the top of the stew. Cover closely and cook 20 minutes without lifting the cover. If dumplings are removed before being thoroughly done they fall and are hard and indigestible. A 15-cent knuckle of veal may be used with dumplings where much meat is not needed.

Hashed Turnips

Boiled turnips, chopped

2 tbs water

2 tbs drippings

Salt and pepper

When cooked tender, drain off the water in which the turnip has been cooked, which should be saved for adding flavoring to soup. Chop turnip fine, add 2 tablespoons of water, 2 tablespoons drippings, salt and pepper to taste. Set back on fire for a few minutes until flavorings are absorbed, stirring constantly. Serve hot.

Brown Betty

Sour apples


Cinnamon or nutmeg

Toasted bread crumbs



Place a layer of sour apples, pared and cut in thin slices, in the bottom of a baking dish. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon or nutmeg, add layer of toasted bread crumbs and another of apple and so on to the top of the dish. Scatter a few bits of suet over the top layer of crumbs. Add enough water to moisten the crumbs well and bake in a slow oven, covered, until apples are done. Instead of raw apples, apple sauce made of dried apples may be used. Berry Betty, Plum Betty, Date Betty, etc., may be made in the same way, using these fruits instead of apples. Any juicy fruit may be used. The toasted bread may be used in whole slices instead of crumbed. 


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