1919 Dinner Menu: Kornlet Soup, Baked Cod, Potatoes, Leg of Lamb, Cheese Ball Salad, Ice Cream Served in Cantaloupe Halves

Woman's World Cookbook (1922) 

1919 Dinner Menu

Pauline's Practical Book of the Culinary Art for Clubs, Home or Hotels (1919)
Pauline's Travels Through The Culinary Art
Carrie Pauline Lynch

Kornlet Soup

Baked Cod or Shad, Piquant Jelly


Leg of Lamb, Mint Sauce


Cheese Ball Salad

Cheese Straws

Ice Cream Served in Cantaloupe Halves

Mints, Olives, Radishes, Pickles



(The heart of the kernel)

1 can kornlet

1½ tbs butter

1 tbs flour

1 quart milk

1 tsp salt

1 saltspoon white pepper

1 egg (optional)

1 tsp whipped cream (optional)

One can kornlet, heated to boiling point, in double boiler rub 1½ tablespoons butter and 1 tablespoon flour together, add 1 quart milk, let boil, add 1 teaspoon salt, 1 saltspoon white pepper, add kornlet, beat 1 egg light and mix gradually with soup, serve at once while very hot; can omit the egg; can use 1 teaspoon whipped cream to each plate.


Trout or white fish

Salt and pepper


1 cupful white bread crumbs

Chopped parsley



2 dops onion juice

Piquant Jelly (see below)

Secure a nice trout or any white fish, clean and rub a little salt within and without, also pepper, make a dressing of a cupful of white bread crumbs, chopped parsley, a little butter and paprika, put inside of fish, sew up or fasten together with toothpicks, grease baking pan, lay in, rub fish with a little melted butter, put in oven, bake for 30 minutes or 45 minutes basting often with a little water and melted butter and two drops of onion juice, remove, serve on hot platter with lemon sauce. 


2 glasses tart jelly

3 tbs mustard

6 drops tabasco

2 tsp gelatin

Cold water

Into a double boiler place 2 glasses of tart jelly (currant preferably), as it is melting whip into it 3 tablespoons of mustard, six drops of tabasco, 2 teaspoons gelatine which has been softened in a trifle of cold water and melted over steam, when all ingredients are perfectly blended into a paste turn into dainty little individual molds, set away to cool, served with baked shad. 


6 medium-sized potatoes

1 tbs butter

A little salt and pepper

½ cup cream or milk

First wash, remove all bad eyes, grease 6 medium sized potatoes, bake from 30 minutes to 1 hour, remove from oven, cut off one end, scoop out inside, mash it up with 1 tablespoon butter, little salt and pepper, ½ cup cream or milk, put mixture back in shell, put on ends, set in oven 10 minutes, serve at once.


If hind quarter, salt, pepper, put in pan, with a little water, basting often, cook until done. If quarter, make a stuffing, fill an inserted pocket, cook in oven until brown, serve with new potatoes, peas and mint sauce. When cold serve with mint jelly. 


1 bunch fresh mint

1½ tbs sugar

Pinch of salt and pepper

½ cup vinegar

Chop fine 1 bunch fresh mint, mix with 1½ tablespoons sugar, pinch of salt and pepper, rub well together, add ½ cup vinegar, let stand for 1 hour, serve with spring lamb.


1 green pepper, chopped

Neufchatel cheese


Lettuce leaves to serve

French dressing (see below)

One chopped pepper (green) mixed with Neufchatel cheese rolled in balls with an almond stuck in top. Served on lettuce leaves. Makes a delicious salad with French dressing poured over.


4 tbs oil

1 saltspoon mustard

¼ tsp paprika

1 tsp salt

Pinch cayenne

2 tbs lemon juice

Four tablespoons oil, 1 saltspoon mustard, ¼ teaspoon paprika, 1 teaspoon salt, pinch cayenne, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, rub mustard, salt, paprika, cayenne and oil together until smooth or until salt is dissolved, then add lemon juice. Meat salads are used for luncheons or where the menu is light; vegetables or fruit for dinner.


3 tbs dry grated cheese

½ pint sifted flour

Salt and paprika

1 tbs butter

Cold water

Use 3 tablespoons of dry grated cheese, add to it ½ pint of sifted flour seasoned with salt and paprika, rub together with a tablespoon of butter and cold water, turn onto floured baking board, roll out thin, cut half the paste into straws and the rest into rings, bake until yellow and crisp in a moderate oven and serve with the straws laid in the rings. Substitute for crackers with salad. 


2 quarts cream

1 pint milk

2 cups sugar

2 tbs vanilla extract

Scald cream, melt sugar in it, add milk and flavoring, freeze.

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