What's on the Menu?!: Fried Frogs
Smiley's Cookbook (1895)
Frogs Fried
Mrs. Mary F. Henderson
Frogs’ legs
Cracker crumbs
2 eggs
½ cupful milk
Salt and pepper
Lard to fry
Put them in salted boiling water, with a little lemon-juice, and boil them three minutes; wipe them ; dip them first in cracker-dust, then in eggs (half a cupful of milk mixed in two eggs and seasoned with pepper and salt), then again in cracker crumbs. When they are all breaded, clean off the bone at the end with a dry cloth. Put them in a wire basket and dip them in boiling lard, to fry. Put a little paper on the end of each bone; place them on a hot platter, in the form of a circle, one overlapping the other, with French pease in the centre. Serve immediately, while they are still crisp and hot.
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