1914 October Dinner Menu: Scalloped Codfish and Rice, Stewed Tomatoes, Apple Salad, Krummel Torta

Woman's World Cookbook (1922) 

1914 October Dinner Menu

Lessons in Cooking Through Preparation of Meals (1914)
American School of Home Economics

Scalloped Codfish and Rice

Stewed Tomatoes

Apple Salad

Krummel Torta

Scalloped Codfish and Rice

¼ cup rice

2 cups cold water

1¼ cup milk

1 cup salt codfish

½ cup medium white sauce

Bread crumbs

Blanch ¼ cup rice by covering with 2 c cold water; put over the fire, stirring occasionally while heating to prevent its sticking; boil 5 m, drain on a sieve and rinse with cold water. The rice is now beautifully white and clear and the grains do not adhere. Return to the fire in a double boiler, add 1¼ c milk, and 1 c salt codfish, previously soaked overnight. Cook until the rice is nearly done and the milk absorbed. Put in a baking dish in several layers, cover with ½ c medium white sauce. Sprinkle with buttered crumbs, place in the oven and bake about 20 m, or until well heated throughout and browned on top.

Medium White Sauce

2 tbs flour

2 tbs butter

1 cup milk

Stewed Tomatoes

1 can tomatoes

1 t salt

2 T sugar

A dash of pepper

2 T four

2 T butter

Empty the contents of 1 can of tomatoes into a granite or aluminum saucepan and heat slowly, adding 1 t salt, 2 T sugar and a dash of pepper. Mix 2 T flour with 2 T butter, add to the tomatoes in the pan. Mix thoroughly, boil a few minutes and serve.

Apple Salad

3 well-flavored apples

½ c celery

½ c nutmeats

Boiled salad dressing (see below0

Lettuce to serve

Dice 3 well flavored apples, add ½ c celery cut into ½-inch lengths, and ½ c nutmeats. Cover with Boiled Salad Dressing (see below) and serve cold on a bed of lettuce.

Salad Dressing

½ tsp mustard

¼ tsp salt

1½ tbs sugar


Yolks of 3 eggs


Mix together in a measuring cup ½ teaspoon mustard, ¼ teaspoon salt, 1½ tablespoons sugar; fill up to the ½ mark with vinegar; now pour this mixture slowly on the wellbeaten yolks of 3 eggs, beating all the time; cook over hot water, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thick; when ready to use thin with cream; evaporated milk is especially nice to use for this purpose. For a fruit salad, fruit juice may be used for thinning.

Krummel Torta

2 eggs

1 c sugar

½ c breadcrumbs

1 c chopped dates

1 c chopped nuts

1 t baking powder

Whipped cream (optional)

Beat 2 eggs until light, add 1 c sugar, ½ c breadcrumbs, 1 c chopped dates, i1 c chopped nuts, and 1 t baking powder. Mix well together, put into a shallow pan, and bake ¾ h in a slow oven. Serve either plain or with plain or whipped cream. Cut in squares to serve.

Preparing the Meal

About I h before dinner time blanch the rice and start it to cooking with the codfish. Light the oven burners and make the Krummel Torta. By this time the rice and fish are ready to be scalloped. When that is done prepare the tomatoes and heat. Pare and dice the apples and add to the chopped nuts and celery. Cover with the Salad Dressing which should have been made previously, and serve on the lettuce leaves on salad plates. Set in a cool place until ready to use. Serve the dinner. Keep the Krummel Torta hot in the oven until time to serve. 


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