What's on the Menu?!: Tongue, with Mustard Pickle Sauce
Smiley's Cookbook (1895)
Mrs. Mary F. Henderson
Boiled tongue
Minced onion
1 tsp flour
1 teacupful hot water
Salt and pepper
1 tbs chopped pickles
Cut boiled tongue into slices; fry them in a little hot butter, with a sprinkle of minced onion thrown in. Then, for the sauce, take out the slices of tongue; put in a teaspoonful of flour, and when brown, a tea-cupful of hot water. When done, strain, and season with salt and pepper; add a table-spoonful of chopped pickles (piccalilli is best); however, common cucumber pickles may be used, with a little mustard added; or the sauce may be flavored with capers, or with both capers and pickles. Let the slices of tongue soak in the sauce until ready to serve, then arrange the slices of tongue on a platter, one lapped over the other, and pour over the sauce. A beef tongue may be braised, and served with spinach or sauce Tartare.
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