What's on the Menu?!: Oyster Catsup

Smiley's Cookbook (1895)

Oyster Catsup
The Handy Cook Book (1900)

1 pint large fresh oysters pounded in mortar

1 pint sherry

2 anchovies

1 ounce salt

2 drachms pounded mace

1 drachm cayenne

Take fine, large fresh oysters, opened carefully, and wash them in their own liquor. To take any particle of shell that may remain, strain the liquor after. Pound the oysters in a mortar, add the liquor, and to every pint put a pint of sherry ; boil it up and skim ; then add two anchovies, pounded, an ounce of common salt, two drachms of pounded mace, and one of cayenne. Let it boil up, then skim, and rub it through a sieve. Bottle when cold and seal it. What remains in the sieve will do for oyster sauce.

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