What's on the Menu?!: Fried Eels

Smiley's Cookbook (1895)


Domestic Cook Book (1888)
Mrs. Dr. J. H. Pulte


Salt and pepper


1 tbs fresh butter

1 tbs fresh lard

1 gill of hot water

3 tbs tomato catsup

After the eels are skinned, dressed, heads taken off and washed in cold water, cut them in pieces three inches long; salt and pepper them and dredge them well with flour. Have ready on the fire a frying pan with one tablespoonful of fresh butter and one of fresh lard in it, and when it is hot enough to brown lay in the eels, cover the pan and fry them a light brown. When they have fried ten minutes, turn them, baste them and fry them ten minutes longer. Then lift them into a warm chafing-dish, and put one gill of hot water into the gravy, let it boil a minute, stir it up from the bottom, then stir in three tablespoonfuls of my tomato catsup and pour it into the gravy dish.

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