What's on the Menu?!: Mutton and Oyster Sausages

Smiley's Cookbook (1895)


The Pattern Cook-Book (1890)
The Butterick Publishing Company

One pound of rare cooked meat.

One table-spoonful of salt.

One-half tea-spoonful of pepper.

One-third pound of beef suet.

One pint of oysters.

One-half a pint (scant) of bread-crumbs.

Two eggs.

One onion.

One table-spoonful of herbs.

Chop the meat very fine, and add the seasoning, which may be more than that given above, a bit of celery, pars- ley and any herbs available being proper. Chop the suet very fine, and also the oysters; then mix all well together, form into small balls, and fry. A couple of anchovies may be added to the seasoning.

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