What's on the Menu?!: Trout in Jelly

Smiley's Cookbook (1895)

TROUT IN JELLY (or other Fish).

The A&P Everyday Cook and Recipe Book (1889)
Miss E. Neil


Seasoned water

A little vinegar

A little salt

Shallot or garlic


This is a beautiful supper dish, and may be arranged as follows: Turn the fish into rings, with tail in mouth, prepare a seasoned water in which to boil the trout; the water should have a little vinegar and salt in it, and may ha flavored with a shallot or clove of garlic. When the water is cold, place the trout in it, and boil them very gently, so as not to hash or break them. When done, lift out and drain. Baste with fish jelly, coat after coat, as each coat hardens. Arrange neatly, and serve.

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