1886 Breakfast Menu (Summer): Strawberries, Broiled Tomatoes with Gravy, Cheese Ramekins, Potatoes
Woman's World Cookbook (1922)
A Manual of Home Economies
Mrs. S. T. Rorer
Strawberries without Stemming
Broiled Tomatoes, Cream Gravy
New Potatoes, Boiled
Cheese Ramekins
Large, firm tomatoes
Salt and pepper
Melted butter
Choose large, firm tomatoes, cut them in halves, but do not peel them. Then place them in a broiler, dust with salt and pepper, and broil over a clear but moderate fire, skin side down, until tender (about twenty minutes). When done, lift them carefully to a heated plate, pour melted butter over them, and serve.
1½ pints milk
3 tbs flour
3 tbs butter
3 tbs grated cheese
Put one and one-half pints of milk on to boil in a double boiler. While it is boiling, stir smoothly together three tablespoonfuls of flour and three scant tablespoonfuls of butter. When smooth, stir carefully into the boiling milk, and continue stirring for a few moments until it thickens. Then stir into it three tablespoonfuls of grated cheese. Parmesan is best, but any strong cheese will answer. Pour it over the macaroni in the dish, sprinkle a little more cheese over the top, and put in the oven to brown. The macaroni may be boiled and arranged in the dish; the cream gravy made, all but adding the cheese, and put in a covered saucepan in the bain-marie to keep hot; do not put them together until just as you are ready to put them into the oven, as the cream will curdle if allowed to stand on the macaroni. If you do not chance to have a silver baking dish, fold a napkin cornerwise and over and over until it is the proper width for your dish, then fasten it around the dish ; stand the dish in a pretty plate before sending it to the table.
Select potatoes of uniform size, wash and scrub them well; let them stand in cold water for a half-hour, then put them into a kettle of boiling water, and boil slowly until you can pierce easily with a fork; then drain very dry, dredge with salt, and stand on the back of the fire with the lid of the kettle off, for five minutes. Peel quickly, and serve in an uncovered vegetable dish.
Cheese Ramekins
4 tbs of grated cheese
1 gill of milk
Yolks of 2 eggs
2 tbs of butter
2 ounces of bread
1/3 tsp of mustard
Whites of 3 eggs
Cayenne and salt to taste
Put the bread and milk on to boil. Stir and boil until smooth; then add the cheese and butter. Stir over the fire for one minute; take off, add seasoning and the yolks of the eggs. Beat the whites to a stiff froth, and stir them in carefully. Pour into a greased baking-dish, and bake fifteen minutes in a quick oven.
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