1913 Dinner Menu: Consomme with Macaroni and Pimentos, Stuffed Lamb, Apple Cake with Lemon Sauce

Woman's World Cookbook (1922) 

1913 Dinner Menu

Fifty-Two Sunday Dinners (1913)
Elizabeth O Hiller

Chicken Consommé with Macaroni Rings and Pimentos

Breast of Lamb Stuffed and Roasted

Currant Jelly Sauce

Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style

Buttered String Beans

Cabbage Salad

Apple Cake with Lemon Sauce

Boiled Coffee


2 quarts chicken consommé.

½ cup cooked macaroni.

1 tablespoon pimentos.

Process: Cook macaroni in boiling salted water until tender. Drain and pour over one cup cold water. With a sharp knife cut in thin rings. Drain pimentos from the liquor in can, dry on a crash towel. Cut in strips, then cut strips in small diamonds. Add both to consommé, heat to boiling point and serve in cups. 


Breast of lamb.

Salt pork fat.

Salt and pepper.


Fresh mint for garnish.

Peel off the outer skin from a breast of lamb, remove bones, stuff, shape in a compact roll and sew. Spread with salt pork fat, sprinkle with salt, pepper and dredge with flour. Sear the surface over quickly in hot salt pork fat, then place in the oven. Let cook one hour and a half, basting often with fat in pan. Serve with French Fried Sweet Potatoes and Currant Jelly Sauce. Garnish meat with sprays of fresh mint. 


Brown Sauce (see below).

½ cup black or red currant jelly.

1 tsp lemon juice.

A few gratings of onion.

To Brown Sauce add one-half cup black or red currant jelly whipped with a fork, one teaspoon lemon juice and a few gratings of onion. Heat to boiling point, boil three minutes and serve in sauce boat. Onion may be omitted.


2 tbs butter.

1 slice onion.

4 tbs flour.

1½ cups brown stock

¼ tsp salt.

1/8 tsp pepper.

Process: Melt butter in sauce pan, add onion and cook until delicately browned; remove onion, and cook butter until richly browned, stirring constantly; add flour sifted with seasonings, stir to a paste and continue browning. Then pour on stock, slowly stirring until smooth and glossy. Onion may be omitted.


2 cups soft bread crumbs.

¼ cup butter.

¼ cup hot water.

1 tbs poultry seasoning.

1 tbs finely chopped onion.

½ tbs finely chopped parsley.

Salt and pepper

Process: Melt butter in hot water, add to bread crumbs, toss lightly with a fork. Add remaining ingredients in the order given. If desired moister, increase the quantity of hot water.


Cold, boiled sweet potatoes.

Brown sugar.


Salt and pepper.

1 cup hot water.

Peel cold, boiled sweet potatoes and cut lengthwise in slices one-half inch thick. Arrange in layers in a well-greased quart baking dish. Cover each layer generously with brown sugar and dots of butter, a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Continue until dish is full. Add one cup hot water and bake in hot oven until liquor is "syrupy" and potatoes are brown on top.


String beans.

Salt and pepper.


Remove the strings and cut beans diagonally in one-half inch pieces. Wash and cook in boiling water from one to three hours, adding salt the last half hour of cooking. Drain and reheat in White Sauce or dress with melted butter, pepper and more salt if needed. If canned beans are used (and they would be in some localities at this season of the year) turn them from the can into sauce-pan and reheat them in their own liquor. Drain and dress them with melted butter, salt, and pepper.


Head of cabbage.

1 medium-sized Spanish onion.

French or Cream Salad Dressing (see below).

Use only the center of a firm head of white cabbage. Shred it very fine and cover with ice water until crisp. Drain thoroughly and mix with one medium-sized, thinly sliced Spanish onion. Mix with either French or Cream Salad Dressing (see below).


1½ tsp salt.

½ tbs mustard.

1 tbs sugar.

1 egg slightly beaten.

2½ tbs melted butter.

¾ cup cream.

4 tbs vinegar.

Process: Mix ingredients in the order given, adding vinegar very slowly, beating constantly. Cook in double boiler until mixture thickens; continue beating, strain at once and chill. 


2 cup flour.

1 egg well beaten.

½ tsp salt.

7/8 cup milk.

½ tsp soda.

4 tart, fine flavored apples.

1 tsp cream of tartar.

3 tbs granulated sugar.

3 tbs Cottolene.

¼ tsp cinnamon

Lemon Sauce (see below)

Process: Mix and sift the dry ingredients in the order given; rub in Cottolene with tips of fingers; add beaten egg to milk and add slowly to first mixture stirring constantly, then beat until dough is smooth. Spread dough evenly in a shallow, square layer cake pan to the depth of one inch. Core, pare and cut apples in eighths, lay them in parallel rows on top of dough, pressing the sharp edge into the dough half the depth of apples. Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over top. Bake in hot oven twenty-five to thirty minutes. Serve hot with butter as a luncheon dish, or as a dessert for dinner with Lemon Sauce (see below).


2 tsps arrowroot.

Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon.

1 cup sugar.

1 tbs butter.

2 cups boiling water.

Few grains salt.

Process: Mix arrowroot, sugar and salt, pour on boiling water slowly, stirring constantly. Cook over hot water twenty minutes, stirring constantly the first five minutes, afterwards occasionally. Remove from range. Add lemon juice, rind, and butter in small bits. Beat well and serve hot. 


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